Workout of the dayFor time: 10 muscle-ups 100 squats 10 muscle-ups 100 calorie row Workout at homeFor time:
15 weighted ground-to-overhead 100 squats 15 weighted ground-to-overhead 200 mountain climbers Post scores and scales to comments.
Workout of the dayPush Press 5-5-5-5-5 reps Workout at homeEvery minute on the minute for 14-minutes of;
odds: 8 weighted push presses evens: 8 deck squats rest the remainder of each minutes Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the dayComplete as many reps as possible in 12-minutes of: 6-9-12-15 reps ect... Calories (row) Wall ball shots -continue to add 3 reps to each exercise after each round is completed until time expires. W: 14lb ball to 9ft target M: 20lb ball to 10ft target Workout at home12-minutes of:
6-9-12-15 reps ect... V-ups Thrusters, with a light backpack or household object -continue to add 3 reps to each exercise after each round is completed until time expires. Post scores and scales use to comments below. The realm of misconceptions surrounds almost every topic from sport, art, science, history and anything else that can be thought of. Exercise and nutrition are riddled with their fair share of these fallacies as well, sometimes to a degree that provokes hate or fear of getting off the couch and off the carbs. Most of this can be accounted for by miscommunication or misunderstanding. Some is ignorance, and even tactically targeted by competitors in opposing fields.
Some misconceptions have to do with whether CrossFit is safe, or what CrossFit is and is not. Some of these concerns come up when talking about the workouts; if a load is too heavy it is always better to use something manageable relatively, or use a percentage of the prescribed loading so that movements can be completed in fewer sets. Often, one workout a day with the right amount intensity is enough to gain fitness benefits from strength and conditioning. Workouts sometimes have high level skills programmed, or need specific equipment, but there are many modifications and scaled options. The program allows for flexibility and variation because CrossFit can be done almost anywhere. CrossFit is safe, effective, and efficient because is scalable for everyone regardless of age, injuries or fitness level. CrossFit is safe because the movements are natural and with a coach, can help be refined to avoid chronic disease, injury, and also refine nutrition. A big misconception is that one must be fit to start CrossFit, but actually CrossFit is a method of getting fit. CrossFit and the methodology has been proven to improve health and fitness through exercise and nutrition. Benefits include: increase lean muscle mass, lower body fat percentage, stable insulin, stronger bones, mental toughness, and an overall more positive psychological state. This is all accomplished through workouts that can be adjusted to meet athletes at the level they are currently at, and measuring food intake for fitness and lifestyle. Send us an email today to get started: [email protected] Workout of the dayWith a partner! For Time: 150 kettlebell swings (partition as needed between partners) 1-mile run (partners run together) 150 kettlebell swings Individual option: For Time: 75 kettlebell swings 1-mile run 75 kettlebell swings W: 35lb kettlebell M: 53lb kettlebell Workout at home 75 weighted swings
1-mile run or walk 75 weighted swings Post scores and modifications to comments., Workout of the dayComplete as many rounds as possible in 16-minutes of: 6 front squats 6 deficit handstand push-ups W: 145lb M: 205lb Workout at home10 rounds of:
5 goblet squat 5 handstand push-ups, or as inverted of a push-ups as possible Post scores and scales to comments below. Workout of the dayFor Time: 30 toes-to-bar 40 alternating single arm dumbbell snatch 50 dumbbell box step-up overs 40 alternating single arm dumbbell snatch 30 toes-to-bar W: 35lb dumbbell, 20inch box M: 50lb dumbbell, 24inch box Workout at homeFor Time:
30 V-ups 40 weighted ground to overhead 50 weighted step-ups 40 weighted ground to overhead 30 V-ups Post scores and modifications to comments. Workout of the day3 rounds for time of: 10 overhead squats 50 double-unders W: 95lb M:135lb Workout at home10-minutes of:
10 Alternating single-arm overhead lunges, with a light object overhead 50 literal line hops, if comfortable, perform over your object Post scores and modifications used to comments. Workout of the dayHang Power Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps Workout at home7 rounds of:
10 backpack ground to overhead rest 90-seconds between rounds Post scores and scales to comments below. Workout of the day3 rounds for time of: 500/400-meter row (men row 100-meter further than women) 400-meter run 30 GHD sit-ups Workout at home3 rounds of:
800-meter run 50 sit-ups Post scores and modifications to comments. Todays workout is a couplet focused on the midline and overall stamina and cardiovascular respiratory endurance.
Most athletes will be able to complete this workout as prescribed. Sit-ups can be scaled to crunches or alternating leg raises from a laying position for athletes who have a low back injury or acute pain from full sit-ups. The ascending rep scheme mixed with a short sprint will feel fast at first but gradually settle into a more aerobic pace. Newer athletes can opt out of the ascending rep scheme per round and focus on mechanics and consistency across all round. The run is short and should be close to a sprint for athletes that have a background in running. For newer athletes, focus on mechanics of pulling to foot off the ground and leaning forward to gain momentum is key. The scale for this exercise is to reduce the distance and perform a brisk walk - just enough to keep out of breath for the sit-up. This is a great option for athletes that want a little less impact version of the workout. 10-minutes of: 10 sit-ups Run figure 8 (200-meters) -every round add 2 reps to each set of sit-ups 10-minutes of: 10 crunches walk circle (100-meters) -every round add 2 reps to each set of crunches Workout of the dayComplete as many reps as possible in 10-minutes of: 3 burpee box jump overs 3 deadlifts 6 burpee box jump overs 6 deadlifts 9 burpee box jump overs 9 deadlifts ect. adding 3 reps to both exercises in an ascending ladder until time expires. W: 20inch box, 155lb bar M: 24inch box, 225lb bar Workout at homeComplete as many reps as possible in 10-minutes of:
3 burpee backpack overs 3 backpack deadlifts 6 burpee backpack overs 6 backpack deadlifts 9 burpee backpack overs 9 packpack deadlifts ect. adding 3 reps to both exercises in an ascending ladder until time expires. dumbbells are also a great at home option if available. Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the dayComplete as many reps as possible in 20-minutes of: 2 rope climbs, 15ft/10ft 20 alternating single leg squats 40 double unders Scale the single leg squats to reverse lunge steps or assisted to a seat. Workout at homeComplete as many reps as possible in 20-minutes of:
10 bent over rows, use a backpack or other moderately heavy household object 20 alternating single leg squats 40 lateral jumps, over the object Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the daySplit Jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps Workout at home9 rounds for time of:
7 burpees to a target, 4-6 inches above reach 10 jumping lunges rest 1-minute between rounds Post scores and scales to comments below. Workout of the day4 rounds for time of: 20/14 calorie row 20 push-ups Workout at home4 rounds for time of:
400-meter run or 200-meter walk(fast) 20 push-ups Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the dayIsabel For Time: 30 Snatches W: 95lb M: 135lb Watch former USA Weightlifter, Kendrick Farris, take on this workout at the 2013 CrossFit Games. Workout at homeEvery minute on the minute for 10-minutes of:
12 alternating single arm snatches, use a light dumbbell or water jug Post scores and scales to comments. The cliché “proof is in the pudding” explains exactly why CrossFit works. Year after year the fittest athletes gather at the CrossFit Games and are tested in a deep pool (sometimes literally) of fitness modalities mixed across broad time, and challenging the ceiling for work capacity. Every year the best “movers”, the cleanest “eaters”, and most trained and prepared for the unknown and unknowable rise to the top of the field throughout the season. These athletes are what is called the tip of the spear and are sometimes unbelievable.
Even more important is what is going on in Affiliates and garage gyms alike. Within those walls are both high levels of encouragement and challenge for the “everyday” person. The improvements and adaptations from this are not a Games title, but that of independence, quality of life, and longevity in the real world both at work and play. This is why the CrossFit Open is such a great community event to partake in. The Open is an annual test of fitness for the rest of us who are not Games bound - or may not even want to be. Tracking results in training and in the kitchen are important to see if the program is working. What is happening in affiliates and garage gyms is powerful, and are what really proves CrossFit methodology and legitimacy of the program. For more on how life changing doing CrossFit can be click here. Send us an email today to get started: [email protected] Todays workout is a shorter more sprint style workout. The workout combines a full body exercise called the burpee with lower body exercise that is locomotive. Both exercises will double down on the legs but will work the legs in two different ways. The score for this workout is total distance covered by the walking lunges but in order to get to the lunges a 10 rep "buy-in" of burpees will need to be completed first. Athletes who can move smoothly through the burpees will have more time to lunge for more distance. With a minute of rest following each round this will keep intensity up enough and allow for almost a full recovery for the upper body for the push-up portion of the burpee.
The burpee is a squat, crunch, push-up combo that when done for a moderate amount of reps can be a great full body metabolic conditioning exercise. If athletes have a lower body injury, this can be modified to regular push-ups. If the athlete has an upper body injury, a burpee kick-out or elevated burpee can be performed. Newer athletes should scale to a burpee kick-out to work on improving overall cycle speed and time, this will also help keep the demand of cardiovascular endurance up instead of letting stamina drain out. Remember the goal is the lunges so scaling the burpee accordingly will be the key to success. The walking lunge is going to test and challenge unilaterally. This means we are working on one side or the other which can be great for correcting and training muscle imbalances. The locomotive aspect of actually traveling through space will help set a visual on performance for each athlete form round to round to try and strive for or possibly even surpass. The lunges will challenge flexibility, balance, and coordination especially after following the burpees. This is where stamina should become a factor that advanced athletes will be able to continue to lunge even after their legs turn to jell-o. The rest period after each round should be long enough to loose some of the fatigue so that the burpees can be complete quickly but then the lunges will immediately be challenging. Limiting the range of motion in the descent or keeping the knee from the ground can be a good scale, or a bear crawl can be completed instead. -Note a bear crawl will challenge the upper body instead of the lower body. Sit-ups will be the substitute if there is a lower body injury. 5 rounds of: 1-minute of: 10 burpees Walking lunge steps as far as possible, (count steps, 10 out, turn around, as many times as possible) rest 1-minute 5 rounds of: 1-minute of: 10 burpee kick-outs or push-ups walking lunge steps or sit-ups rest 1-minute Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the day27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Chest to bar pull-ups -after each set of chest-to-bar pull-ups perform a 25ft handstand walk. Workout at home10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Backpack devil's press -complete 25ft handstand walk after each set of backpack devil's press. -scale the handstand walk to 1 wall-walk or a bear crawl for 25ft. Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the dayFront Squat 10-10-10-10-10 reps Workout at home 5 rounds of:
8 goblet squats + 8 goblet lunge steps, alternating rest as needed between rounds -use a light dumbbell or household object for this complex Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the day5 rounds for time of: 10 box Jumps 15 sumo deadlift high pulls 15/20 calorie bike, any bike W: 20inch box, 75lb bar M: 24inch box, 115lb bar Workout at home5 rounds for time of:
10 box jumps or step-ups 15 sumo deadlift high pulls with a backpack or other household object 200-meter run or walk -a dumbbell can be use for the high pulls Post scores and scales to comments. Workout of the day3 rounds for time of: 12 Kettlebell swings 10 cal. Row 8 Bar muscle-ups 1.5pood/2pood Workout at home3 round of:
15 swings 12 sumo deadlift high-pulls 10 loaded sit-ups -use a heavy backpack or other household item for each exercise. Post scores and modification to comments. Workout of the day3 rounds of: 15 2/3rd bodyweight Bench presses 50 double-unders Workout at home3 rounds of:
15 decline push-ups, feet on a 20-in object 50 jumping jacks Post scores and scale to comments Workout of the dayFor time: 400-meter walking lunges Workout at homeFor time:
400-meter walking lunges Reduce the distance to allow for completion in under 15-minutes Post scores and scales to comments. Below is the workout description. There is the workout written as prescribed (Rx) and a scaled version (Sc) that is lower impact. variations and modifications can be made the day of depending on ability and limitation due to a possible injury. Todays workout is some moderate duration time intervals with built in rest for recovery and intensity. The goal is to match each rounds intensity and stay consistent. The workout is 3 rounds with three 1-minute stations. This workout can be complete on a running clock timer or with an interval timer. There is a minute of total rest between each round. This workout will challenge full body stamina and conditioning. Enough space to be able to stand up straight with some overhead clearance and floor space for push-ups is necessary. The first station is high knees. These will start out relatively fast but after about 20-30 second will slow down. This effect will likely follow each exercise the whole workout. Try to keep these sets in short burst with small amounts of rest as needed. The second station is the squat. This is an unload bodyweight squat. The goal here is smooth descent toward the bottom and full extension standing tall at the top. Squats will be challenging and close muscle groups will have been used during the high knees. The third station is push-ups. This exercise will give the legs a break while keeping breathing and heart rate at an elevated level. Stamina will be the limiting factor for most athletes on this so pacing the push-ups in small and manageable sets will be a good tactic. The fourth station is rest. 1-minute will be enough time to come close to full recovery to begin the next round. If reps are drastically lower than the first round, pacing was too fast and that is okay keep going and finish. If reps were drastically more after the previous round athletes are encouraged to push the pace as long as mechanics are maintained. 3 rounds for reps of: 1-minute of: high knees 1-minute of: squats 1-minutes of: push-ups 1-minute of: rest 3 rounds for reps of:
1-minute of: high knee steps 1-minute of: squats to a seat 1-minute of: kneeling push-ups or elevated push-ups 1-minute of: rest |
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