21-15-9 reps for time of:
Parallette handstand push-ups Bar muscle-ups At Home WOD: 21-15-9 reps of: Push-ups on dumbbells Bent over rows Modify the push-ups between two chairs or on a couch as needed. use a backpack or other household item for the rows. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications.
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In 15 minutes, complete as much as possible of:
1 deadlift 50-m run 2 deadlifts 100-m run 3 deadlifts 150-m run 4 deadlifts 200-m run Etc. W:185lb M: 275lb At Home WOD: In 10 minutes, complete as much as possible of: 1 deadlift 50-m run 2 deadlifts 100-m run 3 deadlifts 150-m run 4 deadlifts 200-m run Etc. use a moderately heavy object(s) for the deadlifts. If the run distances are not easy to coordinate because of space set a single distance but keep the reps of deadlifts in an ascending ladder. Sub the run for a walk, farmer carry, bike, or row as needed. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Snatch Balance
3-3-3-3-3 reps At Home WOD; 5 sets of: Behind the neck push jerk (wide grip) + 2 overhead squats -pause at the receiving position of the jerk and bottom of each squat. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. The safety of a program should be identified by real numbers. This number would be cases of injury or harm while doing CrossFit. This means that CrossFit’s program should be valuable if it has a low potential for getting hurt and it does. There is not clear data about CrossFit specifically due to a study the National Strength and Conditioning Association performed at Ohio State University fabricated injury rates at a local affiliate in 2013 that led to hundreds of misunderstandings. Looking at the parts that make up CrossFit: bodyweight, weight training, and endurance-based sports, the injury or risk involved with CrossFit is close to or no different than other traditional exercise programs. There will always be a chance of orthopedic calamity when getting off the couch, but the benefits it could have on your cardiovascular-respiratory system, blood sugar levels, inflammation, bone density, etc., easily outweighs the risk of injury that could be associated with any type of movement.
The likelihood of benefits over negative side effect of exercise ties into the efficacy of CrossFit’s program. Efficacy means results. This means asking questions like did it work or not? Did the program help you lose 20lbs or hit a new bench press personal record? CrossFit programs are clear when it comes to an end result because of the way we measure and observe our data. Safety and efficacy go hand in hand. Having a safe and effective program is entirely realistic. Efficiency is how well it works or how it gets done. How fast did the program get you there? Did you take 5 years to add 5lbs to your bench press to avoid injury or are you willing to add some intensity to pass that goal sooner? CrossFit’s programming being constantly varied, built with functional movements, and performed at relatively high intensity is a well-rounded way to get safety, efficacy, and efficiency all in one. Send us an email today to get started: [email protected] 10 rounds of:
1-minute of rowing Rest 15-seconds 30-seconds of ring dips Rest 15-seconds Score is total calories rowed and dips completed. For the sake of watching the clock it may be easier to perform this workout as: 1-minute of rowing 30-seconds of ring dips Rest 30-seconds At Home WOD: 7 rounds of: 1-minute of kettlebell swings (use a water jug or other household object) Rest 15-seconds 30-seconds of chair dips Rest 15-seconds Sub the same time intervals as suggested above if it will allow for a more convenient time watching the clock. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Thruster
3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps At Home WOD: Single arm thrusters, each side (use a backpack, soup can or other household object that can be comfortably held in one hand) 5-5-5-5-5 reps Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Individual Quarterfinal Test 5
9-6-3 reps for time of: Snatch Burpee box jump-over W: 135-lb, 30-in M: 185-lb, 30-in At Home WOD: 9-6-3 reps of: Snatch Burpees Use something heavy for the snatches (ground to overhead) that can be lowered to the ground safely. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Individual Quarterfinal Test 4
For max load: 4 rep max front squat At Home WOD: Tabata ( 8 rounds of: 20-seconds on, 10-seconds off) Front squats, rest holding a backpack in the front rack position. If loaded squat limit the intensity for this workout perform air squats or squats to seated position. Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Individual Quaterfinal Test 1
For total time: 3 rounds of: 10 strict handstand push-ups 10 dumbbell hang power cleans 50 double-unders Rest 1 min., then: 3 rounds of: 10 kipping handstand push-ups 10 dumbbell shoulder-to-overheads 50 double-unders W: 35-lb dumbbells M: 50-lb dumbbells Time cap: 10-minutes At Home WOD: 3 rounds of: 10 push-ups 10 hang power cleans 50 supported jumps rest 1-minute 3 rounds of: 10 kneeling push-ups 10 shoulder to overheads 50 supported jumps Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. For Time;
Row 5,000 meters At Home WOD: Run/walk for 20-minutes, wear a backpack and ruck if possible Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. Fitness cannot be fully achieved unless both pieces are working together. Nutrition includes anything that your body ingests, including fitness drinks. Protein drinks are very popular among exercise communities, they are a great way to jump start the recovery process after exercise. Getting into this habit can be very useful when executed in a manner that is consistent with how foods are consumed during the time exercise is not happening (i.e. the rest of the day). We consider a protein drink to be part of a recovery “snack” that the body can use immediately after completion of a workout, but the protein drink is only one part of this post-workout snack. We encourage that you pair a whole fruit and a few nuts along with your post-workout protein drink. The protein will start to repair your muscles, and the carbohydrate and fat will help replenish your energy levels. Try this: 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder 1 large apple/banana/grapefruit/orange (etc.) 1 small handful of your favorite nut Stay consistent in this habit for a few weeks and let us know how you are feeling in the comments! Have questions? Send us an email:
[email protected] Enjoying our content? Give us a like on Facebook or Instagram! @CrossFitAFK Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
1-2-3-4-5 reps of: Squat clean Strict chest-to-bar pull-up After finishing the round of 5, start over at 1 and work through the ladder again. W: 125-lb M: 185-lb At Home WOD: Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of: 5 Squat clean 5 Bent-over rows Use a backpack or other household object Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Bench press
5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps At Home WOD: Push-ups slow, deep and controlled (elevate the feet and place hands on chairs to increase range of motion if needed or perform from the knees if sets of 5 reps are difficult) 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 reps Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Michael
3 rounds for time of: Run 800 meters 50 back extensions 50 sit-ups At Home WOD: 3 rounds of: 400 meter run/walk 25 glute bridges 25 straight leg sit-ups Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. CrossFit workouts and nutrition are often always being described or used in a way that can be quantifiable. This means in CrossFit we measure what we do for exercise and training, as well as how and what we eat. We use weights, time, distances, and macronutrient values so we have clear and measurable standards, helping us develop clear and reliable data. These numbers give us a sense of our overall fitness levels and the direction we are moving. For example, if we keep track of a 1-rep max deadlift, protein intake, and resting heart rate in the morning, we can see if these numbers are moving in the right direction. Following the CrossFit protocol, in almost every circumstance, will move these numbers in the right direction. If the values are not moving in the right direction, then the methodology and practices that CrossFit values will adapt to be what most effectively, efficiently, and safely drives the results. CrossFit uses the same scientific method that we all learned in middle school: question, hypothesis, test, observe, repeat. Our goal is to do what works best. If the data says what we are doing is not the best, we drop those practices and move on.
Send us an email today to get started: [email protected] 3 rounds for time of:
15 pull-ups 100ft handstand walk Rest 1-mintue between rounds At Home WOD: 3 rounds of: 20 alternating plank rows or shoulder taps 100ft single-arm overhead carry, 50ft each arm Rest 1-minute between rounds Use a dumbbell, water jug or other household object Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. For Time:
40 GHD sit-ups 40 hip-back extensions 40 strict toes-to-bars 40 single leg squats, alternating At Home WOD: Complete 40 sit-ups 40 good mornings 40 laying leg raises or knee tucks 40 side lunges, alternating Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-mintues of:
200-meter run 10 dumbbell clean and jerks 200-meter run 15 dumbbell clean and jerks 200-meter run 20 dumbbell clean and jerks ect... W: 20lb dumbbells M: 35lb dumbbells Continue adding 5 reps to the clean and jerks every round At Home WOD: 12-minutes of: 100-meter goblet carry 10 hang clean and push presses 100-meter goblet carry 15 hang clean and push presses 100-meter goblet carry 20 hang clean and push presses ect... Use a water jug, backpack or other household item Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Powerade and Gatorade drinks do not help with hydration. We have all seen the commercials about how Gatorade and Powerade help you hydrate and replenish electrolytes after exercise, but that is not true. One study found that the beverage that an athlete drinks after short or prolonged exercise does not matter because hunger mechanisms will kick in, and food is the most effective way to replenish those lost electrolytes. In general, humankind was at its fittest when there were hunter-gathers who had to navigate rough terrain, climb trees, and maintain strength to carry home the meat they hunted. Back in those days, there was no Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. to push their sugary propaganda. What did those people drink? Water. The best way to hydrate is water, and the best way to recover is by using the CrossFit protocol to fuel your body. Meat, veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar (even in “recovery” drinks). Sources: You Don’t Need Sports Drinks To Stay Hydrated | FiveThirtyEight Have questions? Send us an email:
[email protected] Enjoying our content? Give us a like on Facebook or Instagram! @CrossFitAFK 5 rounds for time of:
60 double-unders 15 hang power snatch 21 squats W: 45lb M: 65lb At Home WOD: 4 rounds of: 40 jumping jacks 15 kettlebell swings, use a backpack or other household item 21 squats Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. 4 rounds for time of:
400-meter run 12 ring dips At Home WOD: 4 rounds for time of: 40 step-ups 20 bench dips Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12-minutes of:
1000-meter row 8 overhead squats M: 115lb W: 65lb At Home WOD: 12-minutes of: 800-meter run (run, bike or row close to 4-6 minutes) 8 overhead squats (use a broomstick or other household items overhead) Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. Fitness routines can be useful to an extent. When you are in a routine, the routine will be challenged when you need to go outside of the routine. Fitness is a snapshot of your work capacity over time, and your change in fitness over time describes your health. With specific goals and objectives, routines can be incredibly useful. They are great for building habits, practicing skills, or making a linear progression. Though once a routine has reached its full potential, the routine is no longer useful.
In most training there are three phases. Beginner, where movements and patterns are very cognitive. Intermediate, where movements and patterns become more comfortable. And advanced, where athletes can do movements and patterns autonomously, without thinking about them. No matter what stage an athlete is in, science suggests that increasing the stress in movements and patterns elicits more adaptation. When an athlete adapts to a movement or pattern, it can no longer be useful unless that movement or pattern is put under more stress, for example, if deadlifting 135# with great form is no problem for you, you might add 10# to the bar. If an athlete who is comfortable deadlifting 135#, the comfort will not help when a situation arises when you must lift 145#. CrossFit’s constantly varied model is more effective than routines because CrossFit requires constant adaptation. The gains you make will sweep across all aspects of fitness, which is more important to fitness because life is filled with unknown and unknowable challenges including illness and accidents. When we are more physically well rounded, by extension we are more mentally well rounded, and therefore prepared for challenging situations life brings. Routines can be useful to take you from a very specific point A to a very specific point B, but fitness is a lifelong journey that transcends points A and B. Send us an email today to get started: [email protected] Push press
10-10-10-10-10 reps Front squat 10-10-10-10-10 reps Deadlift 10-10-10-10-10 reps At Home WOD: Pike push-up or push-up 10-10-10-10-10 reps Goblet lunges 10-10-10-10-10 reps Good mornings, goblet hold 10-10-10-10-10 reps Use a moderately loaded backpack or other hefty household item Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. 10 rounds, each for time, of:
100-meter sprint Rest 90-seconds At Home WOD: 6 rounds of: 100-meter run/walk Rest 2-mintues Post scores to comments, include scales and modifications. |
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